How to kill a jigglypuff

Bet that got your attention, didn't it?

Last week our team lead came in and asked, “How would you like to do something I’m almost positive you’ve never, ever done before?” I’ve found that anytime someone asks me that question I’m going to answer “I’m in” 90 percent of the time. Then, he unveiled this:


“You know the atrium area? We’ve got a Pokémon GO character in the center of it. People are coming through the chained area after hours and it’s setting off alarms. I need you to get rid of it.”

With the recent release of Pokemon GO, Nintendo has literally hit pay dirt with something that appeals to a wide range of individuals. “On July 8, only 2 days after the app’s release, it was already installed on 5.16 percent of all Android devices in the US,” writes Joseph Swartz in Digital Vision. “Over 60 percent of those who have downloaded the app in the US are using it daily, meaning around 3 percent of the entire US Android population are users of the app.”

But what do you do if one of these popular characters finds its way into a place it shouldn’t?

He explained that there is a webpage you can go to essentially let Pokémon GO know and have it removed. Turns out, we’re not alone. “Pokestops” as they’re called, are showing up in inappropriate spots all around the United States.

Rolling Stone reports, “As people roam the landscape on the prowl for Pikachu and other Pokémon, there’s been quite a few stories about odd Pokestop locations, including graveyards, hospital delivery rooms and Holocaust memorials.”

On the page, you can submit a request to have the Pokémon removed and then Nintendo’ Pokémon team goes to work to make it happen. Are you in a similar situation? Here’s how to go about giving the ax to an unwanted character:

  1. Go to the Pokémon support page.
  2. Select “Report an issue with a Gym or Pokestop” the “Submit a Request”
  3. On this page it will ask you for information about the location of Pokémon including the latitude and longitude. You can find this by using Google's map help
  4. In addition, it could be helpful to include a screenshot from Google maps or Pokémon GO (with the Pokémon in question) to help them see the actual place.
  5. Click “Submit”

Afterward you’ll get a web confirmation that says the team has received the request and is working on it. You’ll also get an automated email that says they’re no longer accepting suggestions for Pokemon Gyms or Pokestops. That part threw me, but I’m hopeful that Nintendo has things under control.

I’ll keep you posted on how things progress, but in the meantime I would love to know if you’ve experienced anything like this either personally or professionally.

We received an additional learning resource from the Community Relations Team at called 8 Safety Tips for Pokemon GO! Players.

About the author:
Marc Vasquez is the Communications Co-Chair for the Social Media Club of Kansas City. He possesses more than 16 years of both agency and corporate public relations and social media experience. Marc is also a past president of the Greater Kansas City Public Relations Society of America chapter. He holds the Accreditation in Public Relations credential which has been established as a way to recognize public relations practitioners who have mastered the knowledge, skills and abilities needed to develop and deliver strategic communications. By night is the sidekick Robin to his superhero 9-year-old son. You can generally find Marc via @vasquez007.